The township form of government is the closet to the people - for the most part when you call the township with a concern, you can speak directly to a department supervisor, our administrator or leave a message for one of the trustees - and we do return our messages. Someone pointed out to me that if you look in the government section of the telephone book, the township has 9 people listed; the city has 24 - and they service 10,000 less residents. Mergingcity and township will increase government bureaucracy, increase our tax burden by millions of dollars, and be a huge benefit to the county who no will no longer provide us with services. But it will not be a benefit to township residents and businesses.
I like living in the township; I like the idea that when a law is passed that affects me, it was thought out very carefully because it affects millions of Ohioans who live in townships. Why fix what isn't broken?
Sylvania Township Trustee