Sunday, October 26, 2008

8. Taking on County/State Infrastructure:

Right now, the township maintains about 130 miles of subdivision roads. 'Subdivision' roads is important because they are less traveled and constructed for lighter traffic. But if the township becomes part of a city, the city will have to take on approximately 110 lane miles of heavily traveled roads, including Central Ave., Alexis Road, Monroe St., etc. These roads have heavy, heavy truck traffic and repair, maintenance and resurfacing is much more expensive than our average subdivision road. The added cost would be several million dollars a year, perhaps more.

There are also at least 15 bridges that are currently maintained by the county and state which would become the obligation of the new city. Recall the Main St. bridge project in the city last year? It cost almost $1 million - multiply that by 15 and then try to figure out where the money is going to come from.