Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wind River Demolition Scheduled!

Finally, after 27 months, Sylvania Township has scheduled the demolition of the structure located at 7510 Wind River on the corner of King Road. Demolition crews are expected to begin work at approximately 8 a.m. on Thursday, January 29, 2009.

This has been a long and unusual process. Most of the time, the property owner wants to repair/replace fire-damaged property and we work with them as needed to help make that happen. But in this case we had a non-resident owner, a purported interested party who was serving time in federal prison, a mortgage company that had declared bankruptcy, an insurance company that suspected arson and refused to pay out on the claim, and a federal sealed-lien against the property.

Our actions to get to this point included trying to work with the insurance company and owner; a trustee hearing; a court hearing; and finally a bidding process once we received court approval for removal of the structure. While the process was lengthy, I'd like to think that anytime the government destroys the private property of someone, the process is purposefully difficult - one of our greatest rights as citizens is the right of private property, and it should not be easily violated by the government. While I am happy with the end result - removing a blighted structure from our community - it would have been nice if the house could have been repaired before the weather ravaged irreparable damage so that the neighborhood and community could benefit.

I expect to be on hand tomorrow, to witness the end of this long process. A final thank you to the neighbors who were diligent in voicing their concerns yet understanding as to the procedural steps that we had to take.

DeeDee Liedel
Sylvania Township Trustee

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