Thursday, November 6, 2008

Comments enabled

I have had several requests to enable comments on my blog. I have hesitated until now for several reasons. I have no problem with discussing rationally some of the issues which face the township and decisions I have made that some people disagree with. But only if everyone can remain civil and rational. Up until now, I wasn't sure that was possible. But I'm willing to give it a try, so commenting has been turned on. We'll see how it goes.


Mad Jack said...

This is an official irrational and uncivil comment left by a deranged reader.

For testing purposes.

But while I'm here, my compliments to you for your involvement on the Internet and your efforts to keep the mere civilians involved in government. Which begs the question, where are your two cohorts, Carol Castaneda or whatever her last name is, and Pam somebody or other. Hayward? Handout? Do they have an Internet connection? Can they type? I'll bet they've got high speed Internet at the office.

DeeDee Liedel said...

Jack - thanks for helping me test out the comments system.

As far as my fellow trustees ... we each do what we feel is appropriate in communication and availability. I'm comfortable working within the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.