Sunday, October 26, 2008

Opposition to Merger Detailed

I said in my last regular post that I would talk more about why I am opposed to the proposed merger commission. I'll take this chance to explain in more detail and depth why I am opposed to continued 'study' of merging the township and city. Some of what I have to say is based on fact and the law, while some is simply my opinion and perception of what I would expect of a merger and its process. This post has turned in to be quite long, so I'll do a summary list and the longer explanations will be below (you may have to click on 'older posts' to get to all of the explanations):

1. Just having the merger commission on the ballot is costing taxpayer dollars.

2. I'm opposed to giving the Merger Commission a blank check to spend taxpayer dollars on more 'study'.

3. No consideration has been given regarding the negative effects of businesses and residents leaving community.

4. Government will spend as much money as we can get our hands on; that doesn't mean we need more in the form of an income tax.

5. Township residents and businesses already pay our 'fair share' of taxes, even without an income tax.

6. Township residents will end up paying a significant portion of debt the city has incurred over the last 20+ years.

7. The new city will assume debt incurred by Lucas County to maintain and repair county roads located in the township.

8. The new city will assume the cost of repairing, plowing and maintaining 110+ miles of heavy-trafficked roads, plus 15 bridges, and expense that could run into the millions annually.

9. The potential to be subjected to an income tax without a vote exists with a city; in a township that is not possible.

10. Pledges that the tax burden of retirees will not increase is not true.