Friday, August 28, 2009

Improving Leaf and Brush Pickup

Never before has leaf and brush pickup been as efficient and productive in the township. We now provide brush pickup four times a year, basically once every season. The service is comprehensive, efficient and productive, helping our residents maintain their property.

Leaf pickup basically takes place continuously between mid-October and Christmas, with continuous patrols cycling through township roads. By restructuring leaf pickup by utilizing seasonal employees and subcontractors in addition to our own crews, we have been able to make leaf pickup more efficient and we are able to react better to weather conditions that affect leaf pickup.

The last major change to leaf and brush pickup is the funding source. Prior to 2006, leaf and brush pickup was funded out of the road department budget. However, state law directly prohibits using funds collected to fund road repaving to pickup leaves. So, we have moved funding of leaf and brush pickup to the general fund, allowing us to use road funds on repaving township roads.

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