As promised, an upcoming meeting to discuss recent flooding:
Stan Hundson
Trustee DeeDee,
I love your blog! It's nice to get some news that's not been tainted by the bias of NW Ohio's dailies. I'm curious - what are your thoughts on the new cigarette tax that just went into effect?
Kudos Stan! I was worried that I was the only one who's a diehard reader of Talk of the Township who appreciates all that Dee Dee Liedel has done for the community.
I moved to Sylvania Township to escape the liberals in Toledo and Dee Dee and Pamela are breaths of fresh air - if only there was some escape from the liberals in Washington. Oh well, I'd hate to lose her as Trustee, but having Dee Dee defeat Marcy Kaptur would be even better. I hope she's considering it - she'd have my vote!
With regard to the cigarette tax - this doesn't affect Sylvania Township and so in this forum I have no comment.
I have also had a few comments that I have chose not to publish because they were comments on federal issues not local. I want to keep my focus here on things that affect Sylvania Township. On occasion I have talked about the federal stimulus plan or county issues, but only as to their affects on Township government, or our residents and businesses.
Would you please explain the annimocity as to why residents are facing several challenges trying to speak at meetings held at Townhip Hall including the meeting to discuss the flooding of Ten Mile Creek?
The Township Trustee have actually made it easier for residents to voice their comments and ask questions. Early in my term, I encouraged the adoption of a Public Participation Policy for township meetings which providing added public comment. Most significantly, we added a Hearing of the Public section at the beginning of our agenda, so that people can comment on items that are on that evening's agenda. Previously, public comment was only allowed at the end of the meeting and the trustees would make decisions prior to hearing any thoughts from the residents. This format has worked well and we welcome the public's comments.
The meeting we held regarding flooding and Ten Mile Creek was a huge meeting - over 130 people attended. We were expecting such a crowd and tried to provide for questions in an appropriate manner so that we could utilize the time of our invited guest speakers productively and minimize repetition of questions. With such a crowd, there was no way we could field everyone's question. However, the trustees all make themselves available to the public for questions or comments outside of meeting so that residents that aren't able to make our meetings can have their questions answered as well.
Trustee DeeDee,
I love your blog! It's nice to get some news that's not been tainted by the bias of NW Ohio's dailies. I'm curious - what are your thoughts on the new cigarette tax that just went into effect?
Kudos Stan! I was worried that I was the only one who's a diehard reader of Talk of the Township who appreciates all that Dee Dee Liedel has done for the community.
I moved to Sylvania Township to escape the liberals in Toledo and Dee Dee and Pamela are breaths of fresh air - if only there was some escape from the liberals in Washington. Oh well, I'd hate to lose her as Trustee, but having Dee Dee defeat Marcy Kaptur would be even better. I hope she's considering it - she'd have my vote!
Thanks to both of you for your comments.
With regard to the cigarette tax - this doesn't affect Sylvania Township and so in this forum I have no comment.
I have also had a few comments that I have chose not to publish because they were comments on federal issues not local. I want to keep my focus here on things that affect Sylvania Township. On occasion I have talked about the federal stimulus plan or county issues, but only as to their affects on Township government, or our residents and businesses.
Would you please explain the annimocity as to why residents are facing several challenges trying to speak at meetings held at Townhip Hall including the meeting to discuss the flooding of Ten Mile Creek?
The Township Trustee have actually made it easier for residents to voice their comments and ask questions. Early in my term, I encouraged the adoption of a Public Participation Policy for township meetings which providing added public comment. Most significantly, we added a Hearing of the Public section at the beginning of our agenda, so that people can comment on items that are on that evening's agenda. Previously, public comment was only allowed at the end of the meeting and the trustees would make decisions prior to hearing any thoughts from the residents. This format has worked well and we welcome the public's comments.
The meeting we held regarding flooding and Ten Mile Creek was a huge meeting - over 130 people attended. We were expecting such a crowd and tried to provide for questions in an appropriate manner so that we could utilize the time of our invited guest speakers productively and minimize repetition of questions. With such a crowd, there was no way we could field everyone's question. However, the trustees all make themselves available to the public for questions or comments outside of meeting so that residents that aren't able to make our meetings can have their questions answered as well.
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