Two years ago, I told voters that I believed we could run the township more efficiently - in other words, we can continue to provide the same level of service to our community but at a lower cost.
Today, I am more confident than ever that we can run the township more efficiently. We are doing it now, in several of the departments. Our efforts so far have included a tax holiday in the police department and increased services in the road department with no tax increases.
But to run the fire department more efficiently we have to be able to implement sound policies, exercise management rights to create a more productive work environment, and utilize and leverage resources to the best benefit of the township. Simply put, we need the union to work with us, and not demand unnecessary, unproductive, and costly practices that only enhances the union's coffers and not the services provided.
Let's look at some of the accusations Safe Sylvania is making to support their accusation that we aren't safe:
- They say: Two first responders were taken out of service when we reduced staffing from 57 to 52. When you calculate in sick time, vacation time, and Kelly days, our reduction in staff amounted to about 1.25 persons per day. How could that 1.25 persons drive two vehicles at one time? We removed from service a non-life threatening transport unit, a service that is now provided via contracts managed by the Lucas County EMS.
- They say: Fire inspections are two years behind, and thus jeopardizing the safety of our community. Our new Fire Chief is implementing a plan to inspect all 2,400 commercial structures in our community every year with current staff. If our Fire Chief says this can be done now, why wasn't it done before? There were 2,248 inspections in 2005 and 1,655 in 2006. If (and that is a big 'if' in my opinion) we are 2 years behind, the problem did not occur in 2007 and the trustees should have been told about it. Instead, you only hear this when the firefighters are trying to convince you that Sylvania is not safe.
- They say: "The 1.5 mil levy amount will return staffing back to previous levels and allow for equipment repair and replacement, including return of the Fire Department transport service." The township has done various scenarios regarding funding levels at a 1.5 mill level. Our reviews show that 1.5 mill will pay for either additional staff or replace equipment. It won't do both. When I have asked them for their projections to support their statements of what their levies will pay for, they tell me they don't have any. They are making unrealistic promises with no way to be held accountable.
- They say: Rehiring 5 firefighters will put us closer to national staffing standards. Yes, it will put us closer - by one person per day. But according to our Fire Chief that one additional person will not enable us to respond to any more emergency medical situations or fires than we do today, it will just put one more due's paying member in the union ranks. In addition, they are comparing apples to oranges in order to scare you in to supporting more taxes by saying we have 14 firefighters on duty but need 21. In fact, we have 17-18 firefighters assigned to each shift, with a guaranteed minimum staffing of 14. Their reference to a recommended 21 does not mean a minimum of 21 on duty.
Truth is, they have no support to say that we are not safe today. Response times have remained consistent at an average of 4:17, 45 seconds to four minutes faster than other suburban fire departments in our area. Staffing levels are mandated by the union contract and can not be reduced. Our community continues to receive quality, efficient and responsive emergency medical transportation through agreements with the Lucas County Emergency Medical Services Agency.
The bottom line is that when you call 911 with a medical or fire emergency, we respond. When you call with a concern about an odor, we respond. When you call because an elderly resident has fallen and is unable to get back in to bed, we respond. When you call because you're unable to remove a ring or get a cat out of a tree, we respond. Service has not decreased. We are simply using the resources (your tax dollars) more efficiently in providing fire and EMS services to you, your family, and your visitors.