- I have been accused of saying that if it were not for the union mandated minimum staffing level I would have cut staffing even more.This is not true.I have said that in making the staffing level decision, we looked at the union contract for guidance.The union thought 14 firefighters was safe almost 2 years ago when they entered into the contract; why have they now changed their minds?
- My statement that “the 1.5 Mill levy is a ‘temporary’ fix according to the citizens group”:Their website states that this levy will allow the department to operate “while long term funding options can be explored.”My proposal for a five-year levy was intended to get the township on a five year funding horizon, not as a stop-gap measure until we can “fix” a funding mechanism (property taxes) that isn’t broken.
- My statement that the levy committee is demanding that we increase our staffing by 50 per cent: Again, their website refers to needed staffing levels of 21 people at all times, seven more than the 14 we staff on a daily basis now. It’s simple math.
- I have stated that the 1.5 mill levy will not pay for new equipment or facilities. Although the ballot language of the 1.5 mill levy will allow us to use the money for capital needs, it’s not enough money for what they are saying it will pay for. According to public statements made by their co-chair Mike Brown, they believe the 1.5 mill levy will pay for 5 additional fire fighters ($490,000+), transport unit ($100,000 for equipment lease, plus other expenses), full time fire inspector ($75,000+) and equipment and buildings ($740,000 per our bond levy request). If we are at a $1.6 million deficit as our fiscal officer claims, the $2.2 million raised by this levy is barely enough to cover the personnel changes they are demanding. This levy will not pay for capital needs and personnel increases, despite what the levy group is saying.
DeeDee Liedel
Sylvania Township Trustee