The Board of Trustees has updated the Township's Land Use Plan for the first time in 6 years. And for the first time in over a decade, a developer has not sat as a trustee to approve or oppose a plan that could directly affect their future activities in the Township.
A land use plan for the Township is very important because we need to maintain and even improve the quality of life of existing residents but at the same time not unduly interfere with property owners' rights to realize the highest and best use of their property in the future. Sometimes this is a delicate balance, but I believe the Plan approved by the Trustees on September 4 does exactly this.
We have maintained historically residential areas on Sylvania Ave. and McCord Road, despite pressure by some to allow further commercial creep in these areas. Recommendations were made for future revisions of our Zoning Resolution that provide for better buffering between residential areas and commercial zoning. In addition, future areas of growth and redevelopment were identified so that we can be prepared with an overall view of what we want in our community; we can act proactive instead of reacting.
Let's be clear on what the purpose of the land use plan is. It is not to help property owners or developers realize the highest profit from changing the zoning on some particular parcel. It is not to diminish the value of currently existing properties in the township. The purpose of a land use plan is to help guide future development in our community so that growth is of a high quality, blends well with existing residential areas, allows for sufficient commercial areas to provide services, goods and jobs to compliment our residents, and maintains our high standard of living.
One interesting note that came out of this land use revision comes from our decision to develop a land use plan separate from the City of Sylvania. Historically, our land use plans had always been a joint venture with the city, a process that had its uses and was beneficial. But clearly, the Township and the City are in different stages of growth. The result of the joint endeavor was that certain growth issues in the township were not really being addressed because of the effort to coordinate the two different zoning codes. I won't rule out the prospect of perhaps in the future joining forces with the city to revise our land use plans, but we will certainly be more cognizant of the different needs of our community if that should take place.
You will not notice instant changes to the development you see going on in our community today. It can take a few years from the start of the process before a commercial or residential development is done. But this land use plan will improve the quality of development and protect residential areas in the future.
I want to commend and thank the Steering Committee for their hard work. Their time and effort will be a benefit to our community for years to come.